Physical Education Curriculum
Our physical education curriculum is delivered by coaches from Team Kickstart working alongside West Hampstead Primary staff.
At West Hampstead Primary School, we believe that our curriculum for Physical Education, School Sport and Physical Activity (PESSPA) not only mirrors and follows the aim of our school curriculum, but also embodies our school values and ethos.
- ASPIRATION- We aim high! Our intention is for everyone at WHPS to be a creative, curious learner who can communicate well and achieves their goals.
- COMMUNITY- We work together in partnerships: within the classroom, between home and school and with other organisations. Everyone at WHPS should feel a sense of belonging and develop strong and positive relationships with others.
- CONSIDERATION- Kindness, empathy and respect are prized highly here at school. We do our best to get to know and understand others, and treat them with compassion and fairness.
- RESILIENCE- Life always presents challenges; at WHPS we are adaptable, aiming to meet our challenges with a positive mindset and developing confidence and independence.
- RESPONSIBILITY- We value being good citizens, and doing our best to look after ourselves, each other and the environment. We aspire to always be organised and proactive.
Through the means of physical activity students are encouraged to display our school values. Rather than focusing on specific sports, each half-term has a central theme based around a set of skills to learn, our central themes are mainly from the ‘head’ and ‘heart’, knowing that the ‘hand’ element will always happen with good content. This encourages lessons to meet the needs of all children and not just teach the sport.