West Hampstead children have the opportunity to participate in a huge range of sports. In addition to weekly PE lessons, children have the opportunity to play sports at break times and lunch times as well as take part in additional sports sessions each fortnight.
We enter a number of sports leagues, non-competitive sports events and competitive tournaments throughout the year.
For children wanting to further advance their skills in certain sports, we offer after school sports clubs. These clubs are run by qualified sports coaches and require a minimal termly fee.
Children in years 3 & 4 have weekly swimming lessons; a full term in either autumn or summer, and half a term in spring.
Our aim is to ensure physical education at West Hampstead is fun, inclusive, challenging and safe for all.
Children are required to wear full PE kit for their lessons and for safety purposes must not wear any form of jewellery, including stud earrings.
West Hampstead PE Kit
- Plain white T-shirt (preferably with the school logo)
- Green Shorts (the same colour as the school jumper)
- Trainers (preferably black)
- Optional extras - leggings under shorts and/or a long sleeved top under the T-shirt
Ill or injured pupils should still wear their PE kit to school as they can help as an official, coach or umpire during the lesson.
To find out more about our PE curriculum, visit the "Learning - Our Curriculum" section of our website.
Miss Bones
(PE curriculum Lead)