At West Hampstead Primary we are committed to valuing diversity, tackling discrimination, promoting equality and fostering good relationships between people. We aim to provide an education which is sensitive to individual needs and accessible to all children regardless of special educational need, sexual orientation, sex, race, religion and belief or disability. The school seeks to enhance and enrich our all-inclusive culture and curriculum with programmes, events and resources which support, advance and celebrate diversity and difference.


The DfE have reinforced the need "to create and enforce a clear and rigorous expectation on all schools to promote the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs".

The government set out its definition of British values in the Prevent Strategy 2011 and these values were reiterated by the Prime Minister in June 2014.

The five key British values of:

  • Democracy
  • The Rule of Law
  • Individual liberty
  • Mutual Respect
  • Tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs

are promoted at West Hampstead consistently in so much of what we do, not least during:

  • School assemblies
  • School Council
  • Sports leaders and playground friends
  • Pupil voice
  • The Golden Model and Golden Rules
  • Religious Education, PHSE and the whole school curriculum

At West Hampstead Primary School we are committed to actively address pupils, staff or parents expressing opinions contrary to British values, including 'extremist' views.