Year 3
April 2022
Dear Parents and Carers,
We hope that you enjoyed the Easter break and are looking forward to the Summer Term!
Our topic this half term is Britain from the Air. The children will have plenty of opportunities to extend their geographical knowledge. They will also engage in ‘hands on’ learning through linked art, DT and computing. We will learn about aerial photographer, and make links between this and how maps represent our country. The children will also learn about life in Cornwall and contrast this with North London. Our science topic will be Plants, where we will be teaching about the anatomy of plants and the function of different parts of a flower.
English and Maths
In English we will exploring narrative fiction and non-fiction. Maths will continue to build on children’s knowledge of key maths skills. We would appreciate your support in practising times tables regularly at home as this will continue to be a focus this term. Children can use the maths frame website to practise for the test in May.
PE and swimming this term will be on Wednesday afternoons. Thames will still be swimming and Mersey will continue to have PE for the remainder of the school year.
Home Learning
Home learning will use Mathletics. Children should continue learning times tables, and spellings, including doing spelling practice sheets. This will be set weekly and tested every Friday.
Reading at Home
It is vital that children are reading at home independently and with an adult. Please set aside 15 minutes for reading every day and ensure they bring their reading book and reading record to school. Various rewards, such as certificates and free books are used to encourage them.
General Expectations
West Hampstead Primary School is a healthy school. Please provide a healthy packed lunch. Your child may also bring in a labelled water bottle. We would like to take this opportunity to remind you that school starts at 9 o’clock. Gates open at 8.50am. Make-up and jewellery, apart from stud earrings and a watch, are not allowed. We also expect children to be in school uniform every day.
Thank you for your continued support.
If you should have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Michelle Housley and Jenny Turner