Year 4


April 2022

Dear Y4 parent/carer,


We hope you enjoyed the Easter break. Here is some information to prepare you for the summer term.


English and Maths

In English we will be writing to entertain (narrative) linked to the stories we read and writing to inform (non-chronological report).  We will be reading a wide range of texts: finishing The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane by Kate DiCamillo, learning about newspaper reports, and then returning to explore other fiction texts in the second half of summer.

To support their learning, please ensure that your child reads at home for 15-20 minutes every day. You can also support them by asking them when/why/what and how questions about what they have read.  Every child has a reading record which should be updated at home each evening and brought to school every morning. Children earn stickers when they read at home. These contribute to certificates and your child will be awarded a book as prize once they have earned 3 certificates!

In Maths this term we will be learning about time, decimals, area and perimeter, and solving measure and money problems.

To further support their learning, please practise times tables regularly at home. The game is a free and engaging recommended app.  Your child also receives weekly maths homework on Mathletics. We encourage every child to aim to earn 1000 points each week which is recognised by a certificate in achievement assembly on a Tuesday. Your child’s log in details are in the back of their reading record.

The Multiplication Tables Check

The Multiplication Tables Check (MTC) is a national test for Y4 that is scheduled to take place during the month of June. We held an information event for parents back in February to explain the check – please speak to one of us if you have any questions about the MTC.

Afternoon Lessons

Our afternoon lessons this term will have a geography focus and the children will be learning about Europe; steam engines, the science of steam and the industrial revolution.  As part of this topic we will be visiting the London Museum of Water and Steam after half term. We will be in touch with details closer to the time.


PE continues to take place for Danube class on Monday afternoons. Please ensure that your child is wearing the correct kit when they come to school on Monday morning; they will wear their kit throughout the day and will not need to change in school. Seine class will continue swimming every Monday afternoon. 


The children will continue their weekly music sessions learning the recorder with our visiting Camden Music teacher.


General Expectations

The school gates open at 8:50am and school finishes at 3:30pm. Make-up and jewellery, apart from stud earrings and a watch are not allowed. We also expect children to be in the correct school uniform every day. If you have any questions, please ask.

    Healthy School

West Hampstead Primary School is a healthy school.  Please help us by providing a healthy packed lunch. You may also send in a fruit portion for children to eat at snack time. Your child should also bring in a water bottle every day. We will celebrate birthdays with a class birthday song and ‘Happy Birthday’ stickers. Please do not send in sweets or cake.

Thank you for your continued support. If you should have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us at or chat to us in the playground at the end of the day.

Anna Woodfield, Louise Kwa and Neil Thompson
The Year 4 team