Year 5


April 2022

Dear Parents and Carers,

Thank you for your support so far this year. As we move into the summer term, here are some updates:



Our topic for the Spring Term is ‘Invaders’ and we will be learning about how the Anglo-Saxon, Viking and Norman invasions changed Britain.


In English we are reading a variety of novels, picture books and information texts. We will be developing the use of descriptive language, extending our range of sentence types and building toolkits to support independent writing. In Maths we will be continuing to develop fluency and apply our skills to solve problems and use reasoning. Our Science topics are ‘Animals Including Humans’ and ‘Living things and their habitats’.



We will continue to send homework each Friday via Google Classroom and this should be returned by Wednesday. This will usually be two tasks, often English and maths, directly related to what we have been learning in class that week.


Homework Set

Homework Due




In addition to weekly homework, we expect all children to read for at least 15-20 minutes each day. Reading is a fundamental part of the children’s development and it has a positive impact on comprehension skills, writing, maths and all other subjects. Children should complete their reading records to show the reading they have done and bring these to school every day where your child’s teacher will check them. We also encourage children to regularly practise their times tables in lots of different ways, as they are crucial to so many of our maths topics.


Uniform and PE Lessons

Make-up and jewellery, with the exception of stud earrings and a watch are not allowed. All children are expected to wear full school uniform at all times, including black shoes. PE for Year 5 will be on a Tuesday. Children will need to come to school wearing a PE kit and a pair of trainers. If there is a medical reason that your child is unable to do PE please send in a signed note or contact the office.



Camden Music Service will provide Year 5 children with specialist music lessons each week teaching either the trumpet or the trombone for free. Please encourage the children to practise at home and bring their instrument to school every Wednesday.


We would like to remind you that school and learning starts at 9:00. The gates will be open at 8:50. The school day ends at 3:30.


We look forward to continuing working with both you and your children. If you should have any general questions, please do not hesitate to contact us through


Best Regards,


Debbie O’Brien and Shuhena Begum