Home Learning
There will be weekly maths and English tasks given out each Friday to be completed by the following Wednesday. These will be related to the learning from the week. Spellings will be sent out on paper and in Google Classroom and tested every two weeks.
Children are expected to read at home for at least 15 minutes every day and complete their reading record.
Practise times tables little and often. As the maths curriculum in year 5 needs instant recall of number facts so that children can move to the next level of understanding, children need to know all of the times tables to 12x12 thoroughly and be able to use them to solve division problems too.
Homework is always documented on the Google Classroom. Your child has a log in and password stuck inside their reading record. Google Classroom can be accessed by clicking on 'Our Learning' and 'Pupil Area', then scrolling down to the clickable logo, or use a search engine.
Useful links for home learning:
http://www.bbc.co.uk/guides/z3c6tfr Dance Mat Typing - a game to improve typing speed
https://interactive-resources.co.uk/ has maths games and activities for all ability levels. login:beckford password:beckford
Factor/Multiple Chain Game https://nrich.maths.org/5468